Mar 29, 2023
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Minties NFT

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The story of MintiesNFT is one of pure love for NFTs and the community that has made them so popular. Even those who doubt the value of NFTs are welcomed with open arms. At MintiesNFT, we have created an exclusive social haven for true NFT lovers, where each Mintie NFT comes with a surprise for everyone who contributes to a successful mint.

Our project is all about our community. 75% of the funds from each mint go back to the community, ensuring that with the release of new collections, each person who mints will receive a prize. As our community and project grow, so will the size of the rewards.

We are a community of passionate individuals who are excited to hang out with each other. Our members are super friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to share their interest in NFTs.

At MintiesNFT, we are committed to innovation. As we release new collections, we will reinvest the money in new and creative ways to give back to the community.

Our first collection has a total supply of 10,000 NFTs, which will be minted in several drops. And the best part? Everyone who mints will receive a reward. Yes, that’s right, everyone!

Join us at MintiesNFT, and let’s continue to build a community of true NFT lovers who are committed to innovation and rewarding each other for our passion.

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