This pre-minted pack contains a single Officer Commission Pass (OCP) from the original Machiavellic factions.
The total supply of Officers in these packs are:
1x Major General
1x Commander
4x Major
6x Captain
12x Lieutenant
1x Major General
1x Colonel
1x Commander
2x Major
3x Captain
5x Lieutenant
Pushers and Movers
1x Commander
6x Major
1x Captain
6x Lieutenant
2x Major
4x Captain
7x Lieutenant
2x Commander
3x Major
3x Captain
3x Lieutenant
Witnesses of the Singularity
1x General
1x Colonel
2x Commander
4x Major
4x Captain
5x Lieutenant
1x Commander
1x Major
2x Captain
9x Lieutenant
Pure Patriots
1x General
2x Commander
5x Major
5x Captain
10x Lieutenant